Improving the lives of young people is an extraordinary privilege.
This was Roger Lupton’s original inspiration and it remains as important now as it was during the sixteenth century. Since 2012, 40 pupils have been educated at Sedbergh purely through the generosity of Old Sedberghians, parents and friends of the school. Scholars have progressed to a broad range of first-class universities and careers through our Roger Lupton Scholarship scheme and funds available to us from the Robertson Trust.
The ability to offer a life-changing education to young people who will make the most of their opportunities and employ their talents to the benefit of others has never been more important, particularly for those families who cannot afford the fees of an independent education.
We will fund 15 Roger Lupton Scholars in the School by 2025 and significantly increase the level of support for partial scholarships we offer to pupils whose families struggle to afford the full fees during times of hardship.