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All Weather Pitches


A key element of the Sedberghian educational experience is the opportunity to participate in a growing range of sports and teams.

With only one small artificial surface available for Hockey, the School has a greater need for further all weather pitches. We employ world-class sports coaches and Hockey is an increasingly popular and successful sport at Sedbergh. We want to off er our pupils the ability to practice and play Hockey and other sports on pitches which do justice to their ability and allow them to develop their talent further.

We therefore plan to build two new all weather pitches on New Field, directly behind our state-of­-the-art Hirst Centre on Busk Lane.

Once the second new pitch is completed, we will be able to host multiple matches on New Field, offer training facilities to regional and national teams and also provide the local community with a space to develop a Hockey team of its own.

The second pitch will have a surface which is suitable for a broader range of sports, enabling the School and local community to benefit from a facility capable of hosting training and matches for a number of activities.