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A forward-facing education

A Forward Facing Education

The interests and needs of our pupils are richly diverse. We will commit to providing new and improved facilities which allow all who pass through our doors, at any age, the opportunity to find their passion and develop their skills.

The start of a Sedberghian’s journey is at Casterton, Sedbergh Prep School. Enhancing the Creative subjects at Casterton is a critical part of developing the entrepreneurs of the future. Creativity fosters mental growth in children by providing opportunities for trying out new ideas, new ways of critical thinking, and early adoption of a problem-solving attitude to learning. Creativity is multidisciplinary and will provide the very best foundation from which our youngest Sedberghians can grow as they follow their Sedbergh journey into the Senior School.

Technology and an appreciation for transferable and digital skills are fast becoming the most in-demand ‘tools’ in the workforce. Our lifetime project is therefore to reflect the innovations in the world beyond our dales through improved facilities that put our pupils at the forefront of technology.

Making our curriculum relevant is the biggest challenge we face. What is the purpose of what we’re learning? The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2020 concludes that the workplace of the future will look very different, with higher rates of automation in many sectors, and the emergence of new roles, including data analysis and scientists, AI and machine learning specialists, software and application developers, amongst others.

Raising the profile and importance of Technology across the curriculum will allow individual departments to develop their own teaching and learning at both sites. This would include developing the use of GIS in Geography, research methods in Psychology, use of big data in analysing and researching in History, use of data loggers and analytical tools across the Sciences and modern production methods in Art, Music and Drama. Casterton has already started this process with a redeveloped Engineering curriculum, technology outreach programmes for local children and enhanced equipment for DT&E lessons.

The vision for the Technology Centre based at the Senior School has the three core academic departments at its heart: Computer Science, Design and Technology, and Creative Digital Media.

Within this building, we envisage a central two-storey space, with flexibility to seat a whole year group (around 120 pupils) which will be used as a performance/ connectivity space, to allow the hosting of talks, lectures and performances from around the world. It will also be a space for drama performances, with a flexible stage, lighting and a green room / dressing room area. This will be a space to develop Global Perspectives and forge links between our personal experience, our school community and the challenges and opportunities in the wider world. While much of this will take place in individual departmental areas, we want the centre of the Technology Centre to be a space for discussion, debate, collaboration and performance.

A forward-facing education does not solely focus on academic innovation. The qualities of tolerance, patience and co-ordination which a physical and recreational education provide can only complement the creative and technological curricula we have set out in this plan. We will therefore improve our sports facilities across the sites alongside our plans for the Technology Centre at the Senior School.